This page last modified: Oct 13 2008
title:Perl one liners description:Perl one line scripts run from the command line or used in piped commands in the shell. keywords:perl,regexp,regex,regular,expression,sed,awk,bash,sh See man perlrun. Necessary command line switches ------------------------------- -e commandline is execute commandline as Perl -n is loop through the input, no printing of the input lines -p is loop through the input, print the input lines as well as any ouput. Since -e has an argument commandline, you cannot say -ep commandline That would be interpreted as -e -p commandline and since -p has no argument, the commandline would be ignored. I suggest one of the following forms: perl -ne commandline perl -pe commandline Example 0.1 ----------- Simply pring "hello world\n". Note that the Perl command is surrounded by single quote characters (aka tick). If you need to use a single tick inside the Perl command, you might try using the octal \047. perl -e 'print "hello world\n"'; Example 0.2 ----------- Print the name of every file in the current directory. The actual act of printing here is clearly redundant, but it gives a nice, simple example of getting input from stdin, and printing it. ls | perl -ne 'chomp; print "$_\n"' ls | perl -ne 'print "$_"' Example 1.0 ----------- Use "find" to exec the "file" command and use a perl one line script to print the file name which chmod uses (via the backticked "find" command) to make the file permissions +x. Note that "find" is inside backticks. The Perl oneliner is in a single quoted (aka tick) string which contains a print statement with a double quoted string. chmod -v +x `find ./ -exec file {} \; | grep executable | perl -ne 'm/^(.*?):/; print "$1\n" ' ` Example 1.1 ----------- The "grep executable" could be moved into the Perl regex as well, but then the regex must be wrapped in a if statement to prevent $1 from printing for every line of input. The regex is slightly more complex than the example above. Remember, $1 retains its value between iterations. chmod -v +x `find ./ -exec file {} \; | perl -ne 'if (m/^(.*?):.*executable/){ print "$1\n"; } '` Example 1.2 ----------- There is also the tr command (not Perl, but sometimes handy): Here are rot13 and un-rot13 examples: tr A-Za-z N-ZA-Mn-za-m < good.txt > gibberish.txt tr N-ZA-Mn-za-m A-Za-z < gibberish.txt > good.txt Example 1.3 ----------- Oddly, the command below works, due to the DWIMish nature of Perl (DWIM = Do What I Mean). Or due to the fact that every line of the file c040721c03.txt has one and only one match. cat txt_files/c040721c03.txt | perl -ne 'm/\s+([A-Z\*\?]+)\s+/; print "$1\n" ' This is probably robust. cat txt_files/c040721c03.txt | perl -ne 'if (m/\t+([A-Z\*\?]+)\s+/s) { print ".$1.\n"} ' | less The variante below is interesting since it will search for "peptide-like" strings multiple times per line. It finds all kinds of garbage. cat txt_files/c040721c03.txt | perl -ne 'while (m/\s+([A-Z\*\?]+)\s+/g) { print ".$1.\n"} ' | less Example 1.4 ----------- # Use the e switch at the end of the regex to eval the right side of the regex. # The eval is necessary when using a Perl function as below cat oldfile | perl -pe 's/(\d+)_/sprintf("%2.2d_",$1)/e' > newfile Example 1.5 ----------- # A simple example that changes /session_lib to /geoss_session_lib throughout a file. # This is a double bash command, and the second half renames the .new file. # To make this work over multiple files I created a text file of shell commands # using Emacs macros. It's crude but simpler than trying to get some combination of "find" and "xargs" # to do it in a single bash command. I use "find" to generate the original list of files # that I modify with the Emacs macro. cat ./bin/ | perl -pe 's/\/session_lib/\/geoss_session_lib/' > ./bin/; mv ./bin/ ./bin/ Example 1.6 ----------- # A related utility is xargs. egrep -ho "http://.*a.jpg" file*.html | xargs wget Example 1.7 (and variants) -------------------------- # test regex 04-01* to 02-22* before calling with rename() find -exec perl -e '$new=$ARGV[0]; $new =~ s/.\/04\-01(.*)/02\-22$1/; print "$new\n";' {} \; # Another test, and alternate implementation find -exec perl -e '$ARGV[0] =~ m/.\/04\-01(.*)/; print "02\-22$1\n"; ' {} \; # regex rename 02-22* 04-01* and visa-versa. find -exec perl -e '$new=$ARGV[0]; $new =~ s/.\/02\-22(.*)/04\-01$1/; rename($ARGV[0],$new);' {} \; find -exec perl -e '$new=$ARGV[0]; $new =~ s/.\/04\-01(.*)/02\-22$1/; rename($ARGV[0],$new);' {} \; # regex rename 02-22* to "04-01*" find -exec perl -e '$new=$ARGV[0]; $new =~ s/.\/02\-22(.*)/\"04\-01$1\"/; rename($ARGV[0],$new);' {} \; # regex rename "*" to * find -exec perl -e '$new=$ARGV[0]; $new =~ s/\"//g; rename($ARGV[0],$new);' {} \; Example 2.0 ------------ Jim Roberts contributed this example using the PostgreSQL command line. For a given table in the database, it creates a list of tmpl_var comment tags for use by Perl's HTML::Template. Assume that has a Postgres server, a database called "bioinfo", and bioinfo has a table called "bio_sequence". When running this example, if you don't have a .pgpass file, you'll have to enter the db password. This is "smart guy" Perl using several tricks and short cuts. Personally, while I can read this kind of code, even as an experienced Perl programmer I find it somewhat hard to read. If you are not experienced in Perl, this may be hard to interpret. (As an aside, I would encourage everyone to avoid the Perl predefined variables as much as possible in the interest of legibility and bug free code. We should probably also avoid tricks like arrays assigned in a scalar context. Docs about the predefined variables can be found in man perlvar.) echo '\d bio_sequence' | psql -h -Ubioinfo | perl -ne 'next if m/Column/; $nos= $_ =~ tr/\|/\|/; if ($nos==2) { m/(.*?)\|/; $c=$1; $c =~ s/ //g; print "<!-- tmpl_var name=$c -->\n"; }' >tmpl_names