This page last modified: Mar 02 2008
When doing nfs through a router: - check that rpcinfo -p nfshost returns the expected full list of processes and ports - make sure the router is passing all the packets (it probabaly is if you are able to normally surf the internet). - make sure that /etc/exports on the nfs server has the ip address of the router since machines behind the router appear to have the router's ip address - In my limited experience exportfs -r did not refresh export permissions. I simply restarted nfs with /etc/init.d/nfs restart From: Use hard,intr and do not use soft. From: Problem: Huge delays for any access to nfs-mounted /home under FC6, but it works find under FC4 and FC5. Solution: Skellert says, " The file server on which I was mounting /home also has a shorewall firewall running. I've had to statically map the NFS ports using an /etc/sysconfig/nfs file defining the static port numbers, as referenced from /etc/init.d/nfs* " Thanks, Skellert. After forcing nfs to use static (predetermined) ports by editing /etc/sysconfig/nfs, just punch the static nfs port through the firewall. See my notes elsewhere about iptables, but "punch through" is to allow connections on that port by adding a firewall rule. Normally, nfs will dynamically create ports within some range, so without making the ports static, the firewall would have to leave a range of ports open.