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This page last modified: Feb 06 2013
title:Apache httpd suExec, Rewrite and VirtualHost
description:How to get suExec working for Virtual Hosts and RewriteEngine examples for scripts.

Table of contents
Security issues
Suexec situations
What is DocumentRoot?
The workaround with embedded comments
Old workaround
Explanation of old workaround
Test script
Debugging mod_rewrite and pattern matching
Mismatch with directory or program
Additional notes on suexec security


Security is complex so I suggest that you read this entire
document as well as all security related documentation at:

Be aware that my recommendations may contain errors, or may
have gone out of date. I strongly suggest that you test
these permission settings on your web site.

The recommended settings for CGI with multiple users are: 

- suexec enabled, UserDir enabled

- each web site's document root in that user's public_html

- virtual hosting enabled, use SuexecUserGroup.

- all users are in the same group (for example 'users') 

- user files and directories do not have group read/write (this is important)

When running CGI scripts on an web server, you will often
need to read and write data to files. On a multiuser server,
you do not want other users reading or writing each others
files (accidentally or on pupose). The solution is to use
Apache's suexec so that each user runs scripts as their
self. All users are in the same group (usually "users") and
all user directories do not have group read/write. When a
directory or file does not have group read permissions, then
anyone in that group cannot read that file or
directory. This is important.

Remember that when the permissions are wrong (g+r) or suExec
is not being used, CGI scripts have the privileges of Apache
httpd, and that every user's CGI scripts have the same
privileges. In this instance, CGI scipts get around shell
login restrictions, and can read any other users g+r files
and directories! Security requires that all these settings
work togther.

Note that suexec only applies to executable scripts. Normal
web file content is still served by Apache running with its
normal user/group. Therefore all content (.html, .css, .js,
etc.) must be other-readable o+r and directories containing
those files must be at least other-execute o+x.

For web accessible, non executable files the permissions are:

    u+rw,g-rwx,o+r or 604/-rw----r--

Executables and scripts:

    u+rwx,g-rwx,o-rwx or 700/-rwx------

For directories I suggest setting the permissions to:

    u+rwx,g-rwx,o=x, or 0701/drwx-----x.

If you want to use "Indexing" then directories must be o+r:

    u+rwx,g-rwx,o=rx or 0705/drwx---r-x.

Note that directories with o+r allow Apache to use indexing
(display a list of files in that directory) assuming that
indexing is allowed by a directive. Setting directory
permissions to o=x aka 0701/drwx-----x will prevent

Consider the case where scripts for all users run as the
user "apache" or "www". This means that every user can read
and write your g+r files via CGI.  Even if the files are
created as rw only for apache, and other users are not in
the apache group, a trivial CGI script will enable access to
other files because the script runs as apache, and apache
has group read privs.

The solution is that your scripts run as you via suExec. You
store data in directories outside the web accessible
area. Apache will su to you via suexec. Suexec requires URL
have ~userid, or the virtual host has a SuexecUserGroup
directive. (It is possible to rewrite CGI requests via the
RewriteEngine to ~userid, and then suexe will work.) Suexec
only works in virtual hosting or with user directories. (For
files in document root, you can only have one
SuexecUserGroup directive, and thus only one user, defeating
the purpose of separating users from each other.)

Apache docs say this:

    "Requests for CGI programs will call the suEXEC wrapper
    only if they are for a virtual host containing a
    SuexecUserGroup directive or if they are processed by

Also be aware of +x on html files and the XBitHack which
applies to server side includes.

Security issues

You always need to harden your CGI scripts. You must sanitize any
input from users, and you must never expose user input to the command
line. There are powerful features that we often use, but we must use
them carefully in CGI scripts. Common "exposures" with Perl CGI are:

- backticks which exist to run commands and return stdout from those

- the system() function which exists to run commands which will not
  return stdout

- the open() command which is used for opening files, but has
  exceptional powers, and allows command line access. Always use the
  "3 argument" form of open().

I cannot think of a reason that your scripts ever need to write a file
in web accessible areas. Your scripts may need to write files, but
there are always techniques that allow you to do your work using files
in non-web accessible directories. This is important since many
exploits (hacks) involve tricking your script to write a back-door
file into a web accessible directory.

For example /home/mst3k/public_html is web accessible. Document root
is usally /var/www/html and is also web accessible. On the other hand
/home/mst3k is not accessible to the web server. If a hacker is only
able to write files to /home/mst3k, then it might be difficult or
impossible for that hacker to break into your server. 

To go one step further, if the server is not shared with other users,
then you don't need (and probably do not want) suexec. Simply disable
suexec and force all CGI scripts to run as user apache (or in some
configurations user "www"). The user apache should not have a login (and
by default will not) and does not have a home directory. There are
very few directories in which apache is allowed to write files. This is
good from a security standpoint. You want CGI scripts to run with very
few privileges, a bare minimum. If your CGI needs to write files, put
those files into a directory created specifically with permissions
that allow apache to read and write. Do not locate the read/write
directory in a web accessible directory tree.

Most CGI applications are on servers with many users, thus the use of permissions and suexec.

Dynamic applications generally need a data source, and generally need
to save information. I suggest using SQLite and the Perl DBI/DBD SQL
interface. Allow apache read/write permissions to the SQLite
database which you locate (as always) in a non-web accessible

If your CGI application needs to create web pages, the solution is to
create these in a non-accessible area. Serve the pages up with a small
script that uses special, internal identifiers for each page. Do not
use the page file name since hackers will substitute their own file
name instead. Use a numeric identifier. This scenario is:

1) Scripts creates a web page /home/mst3k/static_script_pages/a.html

2) a.html has numeric id 1.

3) The Perl script looks at a database or data file,
learns that id=1 is associated with a.html, and other configuration
determines that the created page directory is
/home/mst3k/static_script_pages. therefore can find the
full path to the file, read the file and print the file to stdout with
an appropriate CGI header.

Creating this type of CGI application is aided by subroutines that
handle configuration and provide access to SQL databases. For SQL on a
single host I suggest SQLite. For multiple hosts, heavy loads, or
"real" database needs I suggest PostgreSQL.

For configuration, try my app_config subroutine which is part of the
session_lib Perl module. The Perl examples include SQL and use of

Suexec situations

Suexec works great if:

1) you have a virtual host and your files are in document
root, and "document root" might (optionally) be ~userid aka

2) no virtual host and your files are in the userdir
(assuming you have userdir enabled)

I strongly recommend you use the current release of Apache
httpd, and ignore the workaround for older versions.

Older versions of Apache do not have SuexecUserGroup, and
thus a workaround with mod_rewrite aka RewriteEngine is
necssary for suexec to work with virtual hosted domains
whose document root is in a user's public_html.  Since these
URLs don't contain ~userid, you need the workaround the
below. As far as I know, using the Apache RewriteEngine as
outlined below is secure.

This workaround has been tested with Apache 2, and as far as
I know this (mostly) also works with Apache 1.3.

The Apach 2 suexec docs are:

For the following examples, we'll assume that our machine
has a virtual host "", and you are the user
"mst3k". You either have root access, or the sysadmin is
willing to help you and is willing to let you use some
powerful Apache features.

What is DocumentRoot?

"document root" in this context is what is returned by
suexec -V (you must be root to run this command).

[root@example ~]# suexec -V
 -D AP_DOC_ROOT="/var/www"
 -D AP_GID_MIN=100
 -D AP_HTTPD_USER="apache"
 -D AP_LOG_EXEC="/var/log/httpd/suexec.log"
 -D AP_SAFE_PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
 -D AP_UID_MIN=500
 -D AP_USERDIR_SUFFIX="public_html"
[root@example ~]#   

There are several things we can conclude from this output above, and
some of these are none too obvious

- The VirtualHost directive SuexecUserGroup will only work for scripts
somewhere in AP_DOC_ROOT which is /var/www for this example. Changing
document root in a VirtualHost with the DocumentRoot directive will
*not* effect this setting. Directories symlinked as subdirectories of
/var/www are supported, and will suexec. 

- The userdir is public_html (as usual).

- Users with a uid under 500 can't suexec. Groups with gid under 100
  can't suexec.

There are some good practical reasons to locate every user's document
root in /home/user/public_html even when virtually hosting. It keeps
all the files owned by non-admin users in /home. The user's
public_html is a real directory in the user space, and not a symlink
to a subdirectory in /var/www. The /var file system doesn't need to be
large enough to accomodate web space (not a problem on most modern
systems, but a headache in the old days). If everything a user needs
is in /home/user, there is no need for symlinks to other parts of the
disk. Backups are easier when all the user data is in /home (I also
keep user's mail boxes in /home as well, i.e. /home/mst3k/Maildir and
the user's httpd logs are in /home/mst3k/logs).

The problem stems from how paranoid suexec is. If the URL contains
~userid, then suexec will happily su from apache to userid. However,
if the URL is a virtually hosted URL (in the identical directory) and
does not contain ~userid, then suexec will *not* su (switch user). For
example /home/mst3k/public_html is document root for the virtually
hosted Normally suexec will su for, but will not su for even though it is the same script in the
same directory.

The workaround with embedded comments

In order to have your scripts suexec to you instead of running as
apache or www, use a .htaccess file with the following RewriteEngine
rules between -- and --

DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi
Options +ExecCGI +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
AddType application/xml .xml
AddHandler cgi-script .pl .cgi
XbitHack on

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /

# If the request URI is /~mstk3k/index.html
# then the RewriteRule matches on index.html

# If the request URI is /~mstk3k/foo/index.html
# then the RewriteRule matches on foo/index.html

# Rewrite non ~ requests as ~userid requests so that suexec works. If
# you rewrite all requests (including those with a ~ then you'll have
# a redirect loop. These rules do not redirect, they only *rewrite*
# the request. In other words, these rules change how Apache treats
# the request, but the browser still sees the original URL. The effect
# of these rules is almost impossible to detect from the browser. 

# The main trick is that the RewriteCond immediately before the
# RewriteRule must have a capturing regular expression that captures
# the userid in %1 (the first captured expression).
# When using virtual hosting to a user's public_html directory, the
# document root will be the user's public_html, for example
# /home/mst3k/public_html.

# However, when using an Alias directive document root will be the
# normal document root which is usually /var/www/html. When using
# Alias we have to get the userid from the SCRIPT_FILENAME instead of
# document root. The rules below work for when the alias is to
# ~/public_html. For example:
# Alias /foo/ "/home/mst3k/public_html/"

# The Alias rules below only support .pl and .cgi file extensions.

# The rules below are for Alias.

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/~.*$
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} \/home\/(.*)\/public_html\/(.*\.(pl|cgi))
RewriteRule ^.*$ /~%1/%2 [L]

# The rules below are for virtual hosting.

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/~.*$
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT} \/home\/(.*)\/public_html
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /~%1/$1 [L]

# Notes about mod_rewrite

# Use something like the rewrite below to debug pattern matching.
# Clear your browser cache, of force a non-cached reload (shift-reload
# in Firefox). 

# The whole string that RewireRule matches against becomes the query
# string. This is useful because what RewriteRule matches against is
# not the URI. Every request is redirect to foo.html. Enable this only
# for debugging.

# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !foo
# RewriteRule (.*) /~twl8n/foo.html?$1 [R,L]

As explained in the comments, there are two variants: 

1) a new version for use with the "Alias" directive where document
   root is still the Apache default /var/www/html.

2) the original for use with virtual hosting where your document root
   is also your home directory

Most of the notes from below still apply.

In order to debug this process, you'll want my script (see
notes below about downloading) and you may want to uncomment the two
final lines in the .htaccess example above. 

These are the lines:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !foo
RewriteRule (.*) /~twl8n/foo.html?$1 [R,L]

These lines help you answer the question "What string is RewriteRule
matching the regex against?"

It is often useful to make small changes in working rules when
debugging the regular expressions. Also, when changes to .htaccess do
not seem to have any effect, be sure you are doing a non-cached forced
page reload. In Firefox this is "shift-reload". I think it is
"control-refresh" in IE.

Old workaround

The following workaround applies to httpd.conf or .htaccess. However,
for it to work in .htaccess you'll need privileges. I've used
AllowOverride all, but some lesser privileges may work.

Copy the following lines into the highest level .htaccess file,
e.g. into /home/mst3k/public_html (as opposed to a sub directory of

This version will only redirect Perl scripts (.pl). As far as I know,
it will work for scripts in subdirectories without the need for an
additional copy in each subdirectory's .htaccess file.

# Workaround to get non-tilde URLs to become
# tilde URLs so that Apache will correctly su to mst3k
# instead of running the scripts as user apache.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !~
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^\/.*\.pl$
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT} \/home\/mst3k\/public_html
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /~mst3k/$1 [L]

Below is the original version that I used. This had some "features":

1) It doesn't [L] and therefore the rule evaluation continues and
evaluation of following rules can lead to unexpected results.

2) Although this looks safe from infinite loops (redirection loops),
when working on an instance of this code, I got an infinite loop (it
may have involved a subdirectory, or could have been an unrelated
bug). The version above does not loop.

3) The use of the capturing regex to get the userid is clever and
flexible. It is also slightly less efficient than the hard coded

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/~.*$
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT} \/home\/(.*)\/public_html
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /~%1/$1

Explanation of old workaround

This is the explanation of the original version.

# Enable the rewrite engine
RewriteEngine on

# Set the path. I think / is equivalent to the current setting of DocumentRoot.
RewriteBase /

# RewriteCond statements must all be true for any following
#RewriteRule statements to run. All rules run, until a [L] (last) or a
#rule is false.

# REQUEST_URI must not contain a ~ i.e. must not be like
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/~.*$

# DOCUMENT_ROOT is matched against the regular expression
# /home/(.*)/public_html, and (.*) is captured in variable %1. 
# This captures the userid, in our examples mst3k. This is generalized
# to work without changes for the different users. You should not need
# to edit this code for different users. You could leave out this line
# and hard code the user id in the next line.
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT} \/home\/(.*)\/public_html

# The URL minus the domain name is matched by ^(.*)$, and the
# expression is captured in $1. Apache will internally rewrite the file
# found using %1 from above and $1. For example, if is
# virtually hosted from directory /home/mst3k/ then
# becomes /~mst3k/foo/
# This is the crux of the workaround: the rewritten URI contains a
# ~userid and therefore Apache will suexec.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /~%1/$1

Test script

You can test this with the following 4 line script. Save this as a
file such as /home/mst3k/public_html/ 

use strict;
my $id_info = `/usr/bin/id`;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n<html><body>$id_info</body></html>\n";

Run a command to get the file permissions right:
chown +x,go-rw

I assume you are running CGI scripts, or there's little reason to need
suexec, but nonetheless httpd.conf or .htaccess needs:

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

Scripts won't run if any of the directories containing the script are
group writable.

When the rewrite works, these two URLs give identical results:

Simply, a web page like this:

uid=501(mst3k) gid=501(mst3k) groups=48(apache),501(mst3k) 

Without the rewrite (or if it isn't working), only the ~mst3k script
will be userid mst3k. Without suexec, all the userids/group ids will
be apache.

A more extensive diagnostic is my script. You can download

(packed in a tar file so virus scanners don't get upset).

Debugging mod_rewrite and pattern matching

# Use something like this to debug pattern matching
#RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /~mst3k/index.html?$1 [R]

Mismatch with directory or program

Suexec permission and ownership errors can be confusing. In order to
be as secure as possible, suexec is very careful about file
permissions and ownership. In the example below, the CGI script is running under suexec as user mst3k. The normal Linux
convention is that a user's uid (numeric user id) and gid (numeric
group id) are both the same, and are unique to that user. In the case
below, the older convention was partially used where mst3k's primary
gid was the larger group "users", with gid 100. In this instance, this
mismatch resulted from a change in account creation during an
operating system upgrade.

User mst3k was created "wrong". The files were restored from a backup
and still had the original gid 100. 

In this case, we want to follow the older convention and keep the
directories and files in group users, 100. Fix the problem by
modifying user mst3k to have the primary group users which is gid 100.

There is a second issue here: the new group created for mst3k is gid
502, instead of being the same as the uid (54089). This wasn't
fixed. Under the old system, users do not have their own group. Since
mst3k's primary group is now "users", the mst3k group doesn't matter.

# error message in /var/log/httpd/suexec.log
[2009-08-06 09:43:43]: uid: (54089/mst3k) gid: (502/mst3k) cmd:
[2009-08-06 09:43:43]: target uid/gid (54089/502) mismatch with directory (54089/100) or program (54089/100)

# After the fix, we see the normal message when suexec is satisfied:
[2009-08-06 09:49:13]: uid: (54089/mst3k) gid: (100/users) cmd:

# Dir and file group is users, 100
# The -n means "show user and group as uid and gid numeric values".

[anubis ~]$ ls -ldn .
drwx--x--x 28 54089 100 4096 2009-08-05 16:48 .
[anubis ~]$

# primary group is mst3k, 502 which is a mis-match with the dir/file group id.
# The CGI script is 54089, 100 and therefore mst3k's account
# must match.

[anubis CGKB]$ id                               
uid=54089(mst3k) gid=502(mst3k) groups=48(apache),100(users),502(mst3k),56410(cowboy)
[anubis CGKB]$

# Change primary group to users, 100. Make the change via webmin or
# the usermod command. This is correct:

[anubis ~]$ id
uid=54089(mst3k) gid=100(users) groups=48(apache),100(users),56410(cowboy)
[anubis ~]$

Additional notes on suexec security

As far as I know, your system is more secure if every user has a
separate group. Suexec is unhappy if CGI scripts are group
writeable. A group-write CGI script could be modified by a hostile
user that is not the script owner.

Using the public_html document root, suexec, and virtual hosting,
every script has one and only one owner/author. Users with valid
logins can't accidentally (or maliciously) corrupt other users scripts
and files. 

It is necessary when using virtual hosting to use a Rewrite rule to
change script calls to ~userid calls so that the Apache public_html
suexec will su to the user. If you don't use the Rewrite rule, Apache
will not suexec virtually hosted CGI scripts, which descreases the
security, and may cause problems such as the CGI scripts not having
permissions to write files.

See the section about a workaround with embedded comments.

The Rewrite rule may seem like an extra step, but worse problems
(security problems) arise if you do your virtual hosting out of the
main document root (/var/www/html). The web page above is very
verbose, but there are only three lines to implement the Rewrite.

I prefer to create users with unique uid and gid. Only on development
servers where logins are strictly limited to trusted users do I use
shared groups (even then, I only do it so I don't have to argue with
the other developers). Even in a development environment, there is no
need for a shared group. The usual justification is to allow any
developer to write to a test/QA or staging area. Rather than allowing
all developers to write into some shared directory, it is better to
have a release manager (role, or actual person). For the past couple
of years I've had a major product that has its own account. This turns
out to have fewer issues than multiple users in a group, and the
production code having group-write permissions.