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This page last modified: Dec 09 2004
See emacs_macro_examples.txt emacs_macro_examples.html
for use of registers whichs makes counting in a macro easier.

C-s			;; search-forward
[			;; self-insert-command
RET			;; newline
C-SPC			;; set-mark-command
C-s			;; search-forward
]			;; self-insert-command
RET			;; newline
C-b			;; backward-char
C-w			;; kill-region
ESC :			;; eval-expression
(insert-string		;; self-insert-command * 14
SPC			;; self-insert-command
xx)			;; self-insert-command * 3
RET			;; newline
ESC :			;; eval-expression
(setq			;; self-insert-command * 5
SPC			;; self-insert-command
xx			;; self-insert-command * 2
SPC			;; self-insert-command
(+			;; self-insert-command * 2
SPC			;; self-insert-command
1			;; self-insert-command
SPC			;; self-insert-command
xx))			;; self-insert-command * 4
RET			;; newline
C-a			;; beginning-of-line
C-n			;; next-line